Comp&Tech I

So we were thrown into the world of composing modern pop/jazz/techno songs. Which is actually a relaxing activity. Garageband is a pretty easy and fun start program – every child may learn it in a day and enjoy the possibilities of easy music making – without years of learning how to read notes, clefs, notations and all the unpleasant elements that musicians have to deal with. Me personally is not the biggest fan of Apple applications, after couple of years struggling with i-phone and i-pad I made a consceous choice to use Windows and Android devices. So will be looking to find a similar composing program for my laptop.

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Erlkonig: the Elf King

Goethe’s famous poem of 1782 “Erlkonig” or “the Elf King” had touched minds of few great song’s composers from both late Baroque and Romanticism eras. First musical interpretation to  the poem was given by Goethe’s contemporary Johann Friedrich Reichardt (1752-1814), who composed medieval troubadour style melody for Erlkonig,

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