SOUND FASTING: cultural war roots in the music we consume

Trigger warning: highly offensive, racist, sexist, and derrogative post in every way, 100% nazi. If you read till here, you should be offended already and leave.

With rampant leftists marching cancel culture to crumb down on every liberty, basic morality, aesthetic beauty, and possibility of people to acknowledge any authority out there beside the US (or China) federal government (like God or something), the cultural war is heating up not only in the America but in other countries, even including culturally stable Italy. For the first time in over a century, Vatican decided to say at least a little something in the mainstream culture war. Unfortunately, Vatican only showed up in town already after both Catolic and Protestant churches had failed Western sociaties on all levels for over a century, so best of luck to them in regaining spiritual authority. However, the sleeping dragon of the sane colorblind majority who worships logic and the natural law isn’t sleeping any more. During the pandemic even some of the most politically neutral people had joined one of the two campuses. More and more I hear from people around the world that they are scared to say their opinions out loud because of cancel culture should they oppose sexualisation and politicization of school students. What left doen’t understand is that when kids are involved, the mothers are coming along. In MAGA hats and in F-15s if that is what it takes to protect our kids, our homes, and our future. This article is about where the roots of socialist indoctrination begin. And I’ll say it to all the parents who fight their school boards over CRT and sue their spa salons over completely naked men running around little girls’ locker rooms:


Yeah, go ahead and throw your vintage ACDC album into the dump where it belongs. Ask your bus or Uber driver to turn volume down to 0. Turn off sound in commercials, video games, show titles, etc. Close apple music account for the entire household. Bancropt them all. Right now.


See, the constant repeat of the most simple and effective rhythmical combination 4/4 or 2/4, especially in low registers not only debilitates human soul but physically messes up human hormones – causing the constant release of unprecedented amounts of cortisol into human bloodstream. We live shorter lives and have more heart attacks and vascular insufficiencies because of 4/4 songs. Studies indicate that when 4/4 songs play in a restaurant, customers consume more food and crave for more trans fats and empty carbs as their GLP hormone levels drop. Under the fight-or-flight response to beated 4/4 (pop) songs any dumbest idea can be effectively planted in a distressed brain.

Each rhythm in nature and human body is flexible and expandable. Only Juilliard professors ask their students to play Beethoven sonatas like metronomes, real musicians know that rhythm of music reflects the rhythm of human speech and breath which never are exact same. One can say, human heart beats in 2/2. But it doesn’t. There are rarely two heart beats in a row which are 100% alike, leave alone arrhythmia. In fact, human heart beats not in 2/4 but in 3/4 with a silence (or a rest) under the third beat. There, the robotic sameness of beated songs can only induce schizophrenia.

The general anxiety caused by 4/4 songs, and trash anticultural lyrics which yell, curse, and moan from literally every electronic device around this planet are the most effective recipe to silence voices inside and outside of humans, especially the voice of God if you please. And by the way, every song in every language beginning with Beatles is nothing more than a subconscious (or conscious) communist propaganda. “Yesterday” is just as communist as the Soviet anthem: the purpose of this pop anticultural “music” isn’t to elevate humans to the levels higher than themselves, but to bring the entire civilization down to animalistic phisicality of atheist and lawless ego. “Get simpler, and people will want to be around you” – Soviet proverb. Or get more complicated, and those who are simpler will leave you at peace. Poorly educated, spoiled, ungrateful, and overtly anxious populous who grew up on pop songs won’t wish to become better, calmer, wiser, kinder people. Such thought products of our time wish to become even more comfortable and permissive under the strict but fair (maybe) rule of “the adults in the house”, aka dementia-Joe. Sociaty raised by the pop culture is by today completely set for the staging of political tyranny of elites, because a population governed by [manipulated and manufactured] emotions deriving from our music can’t possibly form a self sufficient democratic society.

But freedom isn’t a natural property like vision or hearing. Freedom is a choice and a privilege, and for many people freedom is a lot of hard work and personal sacrifice. Witnesses confirm that the price of freedom of one Northern Korea official on the run was a 30,000 innocent lives taken as a punishment for his escape. Freedom and equality of humans isn’t guaranteed, and scientifically it doesn’t make a lot of sense. There’s not even one explanation in any culture which would condemn the institutions of eliticism and slavery as an idea – except for one single passage from the Bible: “And God created human in His own image”. ONLY when Bible got translated to different languages and the wealthy few in European society learned to read, only then those elite few started to question the morality of slavery. It happened in Europe. Among white men. Solely because they believed in Bible and populated those lands at that time when and where Bible was dissiminated. They were men because education was inaffordable for the vast majority of women. And then they learned to travel and some of them came to Americas. Many of those who could read immigrated to the North and opened intellectual businesses, while many criminals and political dissidents who largely couldn’t read populated the US south and made fortunes with agriculture and slave trade. And their best men together wrote the US constitution based on a wildly unpopular at the time idea of equality of all humans in the face of God. No kings, no slaves. Everyone gets a shot. Everyone has a right for a second chance. In few decades after the constitution, the educated men from the North who read that one book explained to the illiterate Southerners why exactly slavery is wrong in about 620,000 lives. Only because Bible God says that He loves us all the same. Now, take that specific God away from the society, and there will be neither a reason nor an excuse for freedom, equality of chances, or fairness. Take God away and you get a classic CRT in a tribalist commune.

Yet there was another great passage from the Bible (John 1:1) which makes sense both scientifically and logically: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In translation, an intentional echoing vibration such as word or sound created the Universe. How? I don’t think I want to know how. But I do believe that sound did. What are the properties of sound? Rhythm, length, register, pitch, intensity, intonation, and all the emotions which can’t be explained or described in their fullness with human language. Humans make sound when they get born and when they die. The sound of breath is the sound of life. Sound and music are capable of elevating humans’ and animals’ vibration, mood, and heath, and lowering it. Sound can destroy buildings, sound can heal wounds, sound assists doctors and scientists in too many procedures. Sound permeates everything we see or touch inside out. Your sounds and your playlists are your personal God. Songs you listen to are your lense through which you and the world become one. If all we know and all we still don’t know about sound doesn’t make us the strictest sound dietitians already, nothing will.

What should people listen to then? Try CALM, the least it’s not harmful. Try for one day to completely turn off any artificial sources of music and sound. Try gathering in acoustic places like nuclear bunkers from 1960th and singing or humbing in groups while covering all parts of bodies for an hour or two – to remember and feel that we as humans are multidimensional beings whose bodies are only instruments to translate our intensions and aren’t our masters, and definitely aren’t all that we are. If you are Christians, try singing prayers without instrumental accompaniment. Write new music for prayers and meditation. It isn’t about harmony, or rhythm, or pitch. At this time “WE the people” have to begin building a brand new culture starting with our music, and Gregorian chant help us all.

In God we trust.

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